Melanie Newman
Melanie Newman

Melanie Newman has achieved the ultimate dream: creating a rewarding career from her passion for dog grooming. She's taken this skill around the world, competing in competitions across Australia, New Zealand, Holland, Germany, Spain Italy, and America - In November 2017, Melanie’s amazing grooming skills were on full display at the Artero Grand Slam in Barcelona, Spain where she competed against over 400 groomers from across the globe and took home the impressive honour of Best in Show.
Amongst her many Best In Show, Runner up Best in Show, Group wins and placing, she was crowned the Australian Royal Supreme Grooming Champion in 2013. Not to mention all of Melanie’s other successes including best-in-shows with miniature poodles, standard poodles, Bichons & Welsh Terriers – clearly she knows what it takes to groom like a champion!
Melanie has earned special recognition as keynote speaker at industry events nationally and internationally and has the role of Victorian assessor for certificate 3 & 4 for International Grooming Company. Mel represented Groom Team Australia in Barcelona Spain in 2013 , Milan, Italy in 2015 and Kortrijk , Belgium 2017, she is a member of dogs Victoria and was formally recognized as an internationally certified master groomer in 2018.
Melanie's mission has been to give all dogs she grooms the highest level of care and she bought to life with her husband Cory a premium collection of grooming products “Melanie Newman Salon Essentials” a range of premium canine grooming products that both the dog grooming industry and home pet owners can be proud to use on their animals